Developed by: Sarah N.
Edited by Miranda C.
Essential Question
How do characters in stories respond to major events and changes in their life?
Background Knowledge
Students should know:
- A character is a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story. The characters perform actions and speak.
- A major event is an event that occurs throughout the story that impacts the characters in a big way.
- A challenge is something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore test a person’s ability.
- If the students have a book, they can use one that shows a student overcoming a challenge in the story (I will use The Three Little Pigs)
- Paper (copy paper)
- Pencil
- Crayons/Colored Pencils
Activity Procedure
Step 1: To begin the lesson, make sure you have all your materials that you need next to you.
Step 2: To start off, remind yourself of the background knowledge listed above. This will be important for this activity.
What are the differences between major events and challenges?
Step 3: Next, I want you to think about a book, television show, or movie that has a character in it that overcame a challenge or major event.
How do characters in stories respond to major events and changes in their life?
Step 4: On your piece of paper, I want you to write down everything that character did to overcome that challenge or major event.
How do we know if a person has overcome a challenge or major event?
Step 5: Now, I want you to think about a time that you have overcome a challenge or major event in your life. I want you to write down everything that you did to overcome that challenge or event.
Step 6: With your chosen book and personal story, I want you to create a Venn-Diagram comparing and contrasting your challenge with the challenge of the character in the book.
How do different people react to different situations?
Step 7: Now, draw a series of pictures from before the challenge to the result of the challenge. Draw out the character’s actions and write captions under the picture to explain what/how the character is doing or feeling throughout the pictures.
How does a challenge in someone’s life help them to grow as a person?
Step 8: With parent/guardian permission, share the results of your activity on social media using #AUHomeWorks!