Science: What’s Our Ecological Footprint?

Developed by Sally S.

Edited by Maggie M.

Photo of Sally S

Essential Question:

How does our Ecological Footprint represent our life?  

Background Knowledge:

Students should know:

  • An “Ecological Footprint” (EF) is how much of the Earth we use for our food, clothing, play, energy, shelter, waste, etc. Ecological Footprints can be calculated for an individual, for a family, for a city, or for entire countries. EF calculations are simply estimates or an inventory of how much of the Earth’s renewable and non-renewable resources we use 
  • A renewable resource is one that can be used repeatedly and does not run out because it is naturally replaced. A renewable resource, essentially, has an endless supply such as solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal pressure. 
  • A nonrenewable resource is a natural substance that is not replenished with the speed at which it is consumed. It is a finite resource. Fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal are examples of nonrenewable resources 


  • Recording Chart  
  • Writing Utensil  
  • At home products 

Safety Protocols:

Ask permission from parents if they are allowed to record the information down.

Activity Procedures:

Step 1:  Grab your journal and brainstorm a list of all the resources (refer to “background knowledge” for a definition) that you use in one day. Then answer this question:

What do you think will be your most used resource?   

Step 2: Create a chart similar to the one below. In the rows section, label two days over the weekend (Saturday 6/20 and Sunday 6/21).

What are some example of renewable and non-renewable resources we see in our everyday lives?  

Step 4: Review the key that shows them what they put under each category. *See key below.

Step 5: Each day the students should move through the key and tally their answers.

Step 6: After the two days are up, students should look over what they used most and record in their journals what they found. 

What were the main things that shocked you the most?  

What could you do to decrease my ecological footprint?  

What am I excited about doing differently in my everyday life to better the environment?  

Food  Transportation Water  Other  
Day 1    
Day 2                      

