Developed by Delaney J.
Edited by Maggie M.

Essential Question
How can mathematics be used to provide models that help us interpret data and make predictions, for instance what time it is?
Background Knowledge
Children should know:
- How to count to 100 by ones and by tens.
- Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, acting out situation, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
- Understand addition is putting together and subtraction as taking part and taking from.
- How to work with numbers 11-19 to gain foundations for place value.Describe and compare measurable attributes.
- How to use a clock to tell time
- Hula Hoop (if applicable)
- Chalk (if applicable)
- Concrete Area (if applicable)
- Markers/Pencils
- Notebook Paper
- Worksheet Attached
Safety Protocol
Students may be going outside if they are creating an outside clock.
Activity Procedures
Part 1: How to Create Clock
How to Create a Clock without using a Hula Hoop:
Step 1: Grab a piece of notebook paper and draw a circle. Place a 12 at the top of your clock.
Step 2: Think about a line going down the middle of your clock. Place your 6 on the bottom of that line. The twelve should be directly at the top, and the six should be directly at the bottom.
Step 3: To the right, on one side of the circle, place a three right in in the middle of the right side of the circle. Think about a line going from that three to the other side of the circle. Place a nine in that spot on the left side.
Step 4: Add the numbers 1 –12 around the clock. Two numbers should go in each section. For example, 1 and 2 should be placed in between 12 and 3. 4 and 5 should be placed in between 3 and 6, and so on.
Step 5: Add five dashes in between each number that you are writing. They should be equally spaced.
How to Create Your Clock Outside with a Hula Hoop:
Step 1: Grab your hula hoop and lay it flat on a concrete ground so that you can use chalk later on in this activity to draw out your numbers. Make sure that your hula hoop is laying flat on the concrete with about a foot of space around the entire circle.
Step 2: Use your chalk to label the hula hoop 1 to 12 around the outside of the hula hoop. 12 should be at the top of the hula hoop, and 6 should be at the bottom of the hula hoop. To the right, the number 3 should be place, and then right across from that on the other side, should be a 9. All of the other numbers should be filled in going clockwise.
(If you do not have a hula hoop, simply use chalk to draw a circle and label the numbers on the circle)
How to Create Your Clock Inside:
Step 1: Use a hula hoop and lay it down on the floor in your home. Make sure there is plenty of room for twelve sheets of paper that could be put around the hula hoop.
Step 2: Take twelve sheets of paper and use your markers to color the numbers 1 –12 on each sheet of paper. One piece of paper should have the number 1, the second piece should have a number 2, and so on. Make the numbers large enough to see, but small enough for all twelve pieces to fit around it.
Part 2: Let’s Tell Time!
Well, Hello! My Name is Mr. Owl, and I need help! Can you help me tell time? I have so much to do today!
DIRECTIONS: Help Mr. Owl find out what time he is supposed to run his errands for the day. Use your hula hoop to help you point to the right time.
- If Mr.Owl is supposed to meet Mr. Rabbit at 1:00 PM, and it is12:50 PM right now, how many minutes left does he have before he will see his friend? Answer: ______________ minutes left
- Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Owl had such a great time! Now, use your hula hoop clock to find out what time it would be 30 minutes after 1: 25PM. This is when Mr. Owl is heading to the doctors for a check-up! Answer: ___________ PM
- OH NO! Mr. Owl’s check up took too long! It is now 2:32 PM, but he was supposed to go get his feathers trimmed at 2:17PM. How late is he to get his feathers trimmed? HINT: We are solving a problem! When something is being taken away, what mathematical sign do we use? Answer: __________ minutes past
- Wow, thank good ness! He got his feathers trimmed, grabbed some groceries, went to see his family, and is heading home. If it is 7:43PM right now, and it is a 15-minute flight to get home, what time will he get to his tree home? Answer: ____________ PM
Great Job! You helped Mr. Owl accomplish his day! Mr. Owl has some final questions for us to answer!
Question 1: How did you solve number 1?
Question 2: How did the hula hoop clock help you visualize what you were looking for in each question?
Question 3: Do you think that we use time every day? When are sometimes that we use a clock in our own lives?
Question 4: How did we use a model to add and subtract numbers (or times on the clock)?
Write one word problem to make up an errand that Mr. Owl could have run today! Be Creative! Did he go to the baseball park? Dance class? Write out your problem, and then show your solution.